GLA Update their Energy Assessment Guidance

As of 1st January 2023, all GLA-referable planning applications are required to follow their 2022 energy assessment guidance and spreadsheet.

The main changes are:

  • Part L 2021 is to be used for all developments and CO2 targets will now be based on this. Assessments under Part L 2013 will no longer be accepted.
  • An additional CO2 target for residential developments with a minimum on-site improvement over Part L 2021 of 35% as per their old guidance but now with a benchmark improvement of 50%
  • New targets introduced – Energy Use Intensity (EUI) and space heating demand targets have been introduced for all developments. These must be reported and be in line with the ‘Be Seen’ calculations. The EUI is typically generated through CIBSE TM54 operational energy modelling, meaning a potential additional form of modelling will now be required for many projects.
  • Building Regulations Part O overheating assessments must be undertaken for all residential type spaces using dynamic thermal modelling
  • Minimum standards for the CO2 and primary energy factors of heat networks have been introduced.

The ‘Be Lean’ (i.e. energy efficiency) targets remain at 10% for residential developments and 15% for non-residential, with overall targets at 35%, but the baseline is much improved over Part L 2013 meaning these targets could prove challenging to meet at this point in time. Consideration for further enhancing fabric performance and MEP system efficiencies will be required.

The EUI and space heating demand values are taken largely from LETI’s Climate Emergency Design Guide (a performance specification guidance for achieving Net Zero Carbon buildings) and expressed using GIA.

Building type Energy Use Intensity (kWh/m2/year) Space heating (kWh/m2/year)
Residential 35 15
School 65 15
Office 55 15
Hotel 55 15
All other non-residential 55 15


(Table 4 from the GLA Energy Assessment Guidance June 2022_0)


While the GLA acknowledge that their CO2 reduction and EUI targets will be hard to meet, at least initially, this new guidance will drive London towards its 2030 Net Zero Carbon ambition. This information must be submitted at the planning application stage within the Energy Statement, not submitted post planning. This means there could be implications on the pre-planning programme and Scotch recommends that additional time should be allocated to allow for undertaking the additional modelling and analysis.


If you have any questions regarding this update, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us: contact us

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